ውክፔዲያ ውይይት:ወቅታዊ ጉዳዮች
ስለ እናቶቸ ሞት መነጋገር የሚፍልግ ፊስ ቡክ ላይ ጌዲዎን ስሜነህ በማልት መጻፈ ያቻላል....Bold text
የአማራዎች አፈናቃይ
ለማስተካከልዝምታው ይብቃ!
tedy tezera
ለማስተካከልtedy tezera is a guy who is a persenal hero for me. he did what he thinks and he livess by his pinciple. shebaw desalesh adel?
ለማስተካከል"The Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) is a political party in Tigray, Ethiopia that has been listed as a perpetrator in the Global Terrorism Database, based on ten incidents occurring between 1976 and 1990 (see GTD link)." On 1 May 2021, the federal government of Ethiopia formally approved a parliamentary resolution designating the TPLF as a terrorist organization. Under Article 23, "this decision will become applicable to organizations and individuals who collaborate, have links with or relate to the ideas and actions of the designated terrorist organizations and others who have engaged in similar activities."[48] However, individuals or organizations “engaged in humanitarian activities” are exempt, as per Ethiopian anti-terrorism proclamation 1176/2020.[49] Now it is a terrorist's group. this terrorist group expand its area Afar and Amhara regions. these rebel group members rape innocents, thief their properties and made massacre.