ከ«እርዳታ:የማዘጋጀት ዘዴ» ለውጦች መካከል ያለው ልዩነት

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መስመር፡ 537፦
የሠንጠረዥ አሠራር ለማወቅ በእንግሊዝኛ [[:en:Help:Table]] ያለውን እርዳታ ያንብቡ።
===ልዩ መልጠፊያዎች===
''(See also [[Help:Variable]])''
Line 549 ⟶ 548:
| <nowiki>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}</nowiki>
| <nowiki>{{CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN}}</nowiki>
| <nowiki>{{CURRENTDAY}}</nowiki> || {{CURRENTDAY}}
Line 611 ⟶ 607:
'''NUMBEROFARTICLES''' ቢያንስ 1 ማያያዣ ያላቸው መመሪያ ገጽም ያልሆኑት በ'Articles' (መጣጥፎች) ክፍለ-ዊኪ ውስጥ ያሉት ገጾች ሁሉ ቁጥር ነው። መይያዣ ካላቸው መዋቅሮችና መንታ መንገዶች ይከተታሉ።
'''NUMBEROFARTICLES''' is the number of pages in the main namespace which contain a link and are not a redirect, in other words number of articles, stubs containing a link, and disambiguation pages.
'''CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN''' is the genitive (possessive) grammatical form of the month name, as used in some languages; '''CURRENTMONTHNAME''' is the nominative (subject) form, as usually seen in English.
'''CURRENTMONTHNAME''' በግሬጎርያን ካሌንዳር አሁን የምንገኝበትን ወር ስም በእንግሊዝኛ ይሠጣል። የማንኛውም ቀን ስም በቀጥታ ከእንግሊዝኛ ካለንዳር ወደ አማርኛ ካሌንዳር ለመቅየር የሚጠቅም ዘዴ ለማወቅ፣ [[Wikipedia:የቀን መለወጫ]] ያንብቡ።
In languages where it makes a difference, you can use constructs like <nowiki>{{grammar:case|word}}</nowiki> to convert a word from the nominative case to some other case. For example, <nowiki>{{grammar:genitive|{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}}}</nowiki> means the same as <nowiki>{{CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN}}</nowiki>. <!-- Is there a reference for this, other than the source code (for example, phase3/languages/Lnaguage*.php) ? -->