ውይይት:ፖርታል:ሒሳብ/ሒሳብ በየዘርፉ

Latest comment: ከ13 ዓመታት በፊት by Codex Sinaiticus

Hi Hgetnet. I think the projects that use 'portal' have had this entered in the software as a separate extra namespace, in addition to the namespaces we have (like article, category, template, project, help etc.) I'm sure we can easily get the extra namespace in the software too if we need it, though (would you want to call it ፖርታል፣ or maybe something meaning similar like በር / መስኮት / ደጃፍ?) Also since we don't have this as an official namespace yet, the software treats pages starting with ፖርታል as regular articles and adds them to our article count. ፈቃደ (ውይይት) 12:43, 19 ፌብሩዌሪ 2011 (UTC)Reply

'በር' sounds great. Hope we get the namespace up soon. I would like to organize the subjects in their respective portals. Hgetnet 13:39, 19 ፌብሩዌሪ 2011 (UTC)Reply
Hello Codex: let me know when you added the name space.Hgetnet 04:44, 20 ፌብሩዌሪ 2011 (UTC)Reply
It must be harder than I thought. I searched and searched, but so far could not find where to add it, or how it is added by the other wikipedias, or even where is the correct place to ask. I left a request here, but that doesn't seem to be a page that gets a response very often! Now I don't know how to proceed on it, but if you or anyone can find anything better, let me know! Cheers, ፈቃደ (ውይይት) 15:03, 20 ፌብሩዌሪ 2011 (UTC)Reply
I will create place holders. then when we get the whole thing right, we will just transfer the pages. By the way, Mr. Bard Lapsley of good-amharic-books.com wants to know if we or somebody we know have Amharic books that needs to be scanned. He is willing to do the scanning if we send him the books.
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