ከ«ድንገተኛ አሣ» ለውጦች መካከል ያለው ልዩነት

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አንድ ለውጥ 377245Berari Wondemamach (ውይይት) ገለበጠ tell ohnoitsjamie that this is happening and my city will be immediately rangebanned
Tags: Undo Reverted
አንድ ለውጥ 377246115.189.94.15 (ውይይት) ገለበጠ This means you are being foolish
Tags: Undo Reverted
መስመር፡ 6፦
[[መደብ:እንስሳት]]start have fun with me me I’m so feeling 69 with Will this is Nico btw