የBencemac አስተዋጽኦች
Results for Bencemac ውይይት የማገጃ መዝገብ የተላኩ ፋይሎች መዝገቦች global block log global account የጥፋቶች መዝገብ
A user with 1 edit. Account created on 20 ኖቬምበር 2019.
20 ኖቬምበር 2019
- 13:2713:27, 20 ኖቬምበር 2019 ለውጡ ታሪክ +45 አ አባል ውይይት:Sillent DX Bencemac moved page አባል ውይይት:Sillent DX to አባል ውይይት:Shimarin: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Sillent DX" to "Shimarin" ላይኛ Tag: New redirect
- 13:2713:27, 20 ኖቬምበር 2019 ለውጡ ታሪክ 0 ጥ አባል ውይይት:Shimarin Bencemac moved page አባል ውይይት:Sillent DX to አባል ውይይት:Shimarin: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Sillent DX" to "Shimarin" ላይኛ